my Beloved Guru
Nanak, The Great Jagat Guru, The Enlightener of the World, Thou
assumed a luminous form of Guru Gobind Singh Ji as the Tenth Master.
At the very outset I beg Thy forgiveness as I venture to express Thyself
being fully aware that Thou are truely inexpressible. A frail and
inconsequent mortal like me is totally unfit to envision Thy Eternal
Glory. Any exercise, however, perfect, powerful and pure it may be,
becomes imperfect, powerless and futile when undertaken in describing
Thee. With this humble prayer, I seek your Mercy and Grace in proceeding
further. I dedicate this humble attempt to the overflowing Grace of
Nand Singh Ji Maharaj at whose Lotus Feet I tasted
the Bliss of the Eternal Glory of the House of Guru Nanak and to my
own worshipful father Baba
Narinder Singh Ji who adored and worshipped his Beloved
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib as THE LIGHT OF THE UNIVERSE.
He used to visit Anandpur Sahib every year and used to arrange the
performance of an Akhand Path there in honour of his Beloved Sat Guru.
With folded hands and tears streaming down his cheeks, he used to
make a yearning appeal to Singh Sahib.
And consequently Singh Sahib used to pray from the depths of his heart.
Inspired utterances of my own father Baba Narinder Singh Ji prompt me to write this book and in the process pay a humble tribute at my Lord’s Lotus Feet.